
Birds and Bird Watching 21 items

Although proper quail management usually involves a considerable amount of work, and habitat manipulation must be conducted at least annually in most cases, ...
This booklet is a basic guide for the beginner just embarking on the hobby of feeding birds, but it should also help veterans improve their feeding stations.
This publication identifies habitat requirements for the bob-white and discusses quail management techniques.
This publication provides management techniques to increase quail populations.
Stocking pen-raised bobwhites to increase breeding populations of quail is generally considered unjustified by most biologists due to low survival rates, and ...
This guide will help you recognize birds on the wing - it emphasizes their fall and winter plumage patterns as well as size, shape, and flight characteristics.
The mission of Ducks Unlimited is to fulfill the annual life cycle needs of North American waterfowl by protecting, enhancing, restoring and managing important ...
Though many birds migrate south for the winter, there are still some around during the cold months. Food is hard to find, especially when there is snow on the ...
This publication provides information that will help with the successful management of the bobwhite quail.
To the responsible person, the decision to feed wild birds is not a casual one. Such a commitment carries with it the expectation of attracting a handsome, ...
Brief discussion of Wild turkey management and life history.
This appraisal guide provides a means to systematically evaluate the suitability of prairie, shrubland, or forest for bobwhite quail.
This publication discusses ways of designing your landscape that will benefit birds and still follow basic principles of landscape design.
One of the key elements for attracting many species of birds is wide variety of plants arranged into sheltered areas of shrubs and trees, open areas of lawns ...
Of the many wildlife management practices the private landowner can do, few are as rewarding as those which favor wood ducks. Wood ducks and a multitude of ...
Mourning Dove management.
This paper describes how to build simple boxes for cavity-nesting birds and where to place the boxes for best results.
In the South, habitats, whether open fields or wooded areas, that are allowed to grow up longer than three to four years without some type of soil or ...
This circular is designed to assist those who have already ventured or who may venture into raising bobwhites in an effort to supply the growing demand of ...
This publication provides information on the wild turkey relating to its life history, habitat needs, and habitat management.
Wood ducks are one of three migratory waterfowl that nest regularly in Mississippi. Along with the mallard, wood ducks are some of the most abundant ducks in ...
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